Interview With Dr. Michel Gagne - A Mental Mindset Coach - His Story, Who has He worked with.
Welcome to Season 2 Episode 1 (S2E1).
In Season 2, we will be focusing on Mind, Body Emotion and Sleep.
Do you want to help people achieve their goals? Do you want to help them change their lives for the better? Then become a mental mindset coach!
Mental mindset coaching is one of the most in-demand and fulfilling careers out there. As a mental mindset coach, you will help people identify and overcome any obstacles that are preventing them from achieving their goals. You will help them develop positive mindsets and achieve success in every area of their lives.
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Do you know your Body Mass Index? The body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women. BMI is used because it correlates with the amount of body fat a person has. The higher the BMI, the more body fat a person is likely to have.
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How Much You Know About Sleep MiniCoursehttps://www.confidenceperformance.com/SleepMiniCourse
Have You Written Down Your Goals? You can write down your life journey and tips by downloading the checklist belowhttps://www.confidenceperformance.com/MasterYourMindJournalWhat gets written gets remembered!
For Fireside Chat or Coffee Chat on How I can help you, feel free to schedule an appointment athttps://www.confidenceperformance.com/15MinutesMeeting
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