What Is The Difference Between Self-talk and Hypnotherapy? Which One is Better?
What Is The Difference Between Self-talk and Hypnotherapy? Which One is Better? If you are having difficulties with adjusting to life or just your surroundings, self-talk can be a great way to turn your thoughts into reality. Self-talk is different from hypnotherapy in that there is no one else there to guide you through the process. However, they both have the same goal: to help you adjust to life and change your state of mind.
*Thompson, J. (2016). The Benefits of Self-Talk: What is it and how does it work? Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/...
Hypnosis and self-talk are often used interchangeably, but they are actually different. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic process that employs hypnotic suggestions to effect positive change. Self-talk is a way of talking to oneself that can help to turn thoughts into reality.
“I can do that” is the mantra that will help you achieve anything. Self-talk is a reflection of what you want to think and feel, but it isn’t always enough. Hypnosis can be an effective way to enhance your ability to focus on your self-talk and work towards your goals.
Self-talk is an affirmation or a proclamation. The hypnotherapist will help you tap into the power of your mind to create an effective self-talk mantra, as well as hypnosis techniques designed to help you focus on this mantra. Both approaches are helpful in different ways.
Time Stamp
00:00 Intro
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06:45 What is the relationship between hypnosis vs meditation vs visualization
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24:11 Music affects positivity
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