How to Homeschool | Homeschool Curriculum | Homeschool is A Niche
What is Homeschooling? How to Homeschool?
What is the homeschool curriculum?
Homeschooling isn't easy and it is a full-time job. Many women who are working from home find they have to juggle their roles as mothers, wives, entrepreneurs, homeschoolers (or teachers), and more. Join me as I discuss how to homeschool and do online business.
Do you want to homeschool your kids and do online business at the same time?
Having a child that is home-educated can be a big relief to parents who don't want their children in a traditional school environment.
In this video I will show you how you can homeschool your child while working on an online business.
I will also go over the benefits of homeschooling and tips for making it work.
Do you know that you can add Holistic Taekwondo Program is part of your homeschool curriculum?
Make sure you subscribe to my wait list for the announcement!
Chapter of the Interview
00:00 Intro
01:22 Who Is Adrienne Brown https://adriennemodicabrown.com/
06:19 What is Homeschool
11:04 Mommy's Time. How to Manage Productivity
16:00 Importance to Delegate Chores to Our Children
25:12 Taekwondo in Homeschool Curriculum
What is your #1 takeaway? Leave me a comment. I will personally reply to your comment or questions.
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