Secrets of Blood Testing for Olympic Athletes l Why & How to Collect Blood Sample for Athletes
Secrets of blood test for Olympic athletes. Why blood test is important for better performance.
In this video, I would like to talk about why it is important for athletes to do blood tests and what kind of samples they need.
Olympic athletes all have to take a blood test before their events, so they can find out if they're getting enough vitamins and minerals. The secret of these tests is that they don't have to wait until the event to know what they need. This video will teach you what you need to know about blood tests and how they work for high performance, as well as how to get one. I hope you're as excited about this as I am!
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Chapters of the Video -
00:00 INTRO
04:20 The Importance of Blood Test
18:39 The Importance of Iodine in Athletic Training
26:00 Hypothyroidism in High-Performance Athletes especially Olympic Athletes
28:15 Relationship between Hypothyroidism and Iodine
42:35 Where to Go for Blood Test
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53:00 How to Lose Weight
58:00 What to Eat like Olympians
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I created a journal, called it “Master Your Mind Journal”, so that you can write down your life journey and tips. Click here to download https://www.confidenceperformance.com/MasterYourMindJournal
What gets written gets remembered!
This journal is based on the 12 mental tips of my book available on
Amazon (https://www.amazon.ca/Master-Your-MIND-LIFE-Greatness/).
My Podcast: https://the-lioness-roar.podsite.io/
Do let me know how I can help you by leaving your questions in the comment section below. Remember to give this video a thumbs up and share it with your friends if you found it helpful, so I know whether to create another video related to this topic.
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Sarah Chung, aka Master Chung
#BloodTest #MentalTips #ConfidencePerformance
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