Malaysian Athletes Performance in Tokyo Olympics 2020 (2021): Interview with Dr. Michel Gagne
The Malaysian athletes are gearing up for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. See how they are training themselves to be the best at their respective events! Excited to see Malaysia's best come out to represent Malaysia in the 2020 Olympics!
The Olympics is currently in full swing and there are all kinds of competitors who have done well and others that have failed to live up to expectations. What happens when the latter group of athletes and teams heads back to their countries? Will they retire?
For this discussion with Dr. Michel Gagne, I'm going to talk about the different things that happen to athletes who were expected to win the medal but did not. This will include the different feelings they have, what their family and friends will say, and what they should do next.
What is your #1 takeaway? Leave me a comment. I will personally reply to your comment or questions.
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